Exercise Quickly Boosts Fat Busting Genes


Now there is no excuse to avoid for the gym: there is only one hour of exercise which can instantly change your genes, in order to promote lipolysis.

the Juleen Zierath and Romain Barres at Karolinska Institute Stockholm, Sweden and colleagues looked at the epigenetic changes - in addition to the methyl group of genes - muscle cells after strenuous exercise. To do so, the team collected thigh muscle biopsies from eight relatively quiet life led before and after an hour of movement.

Several genes involved in fat metabolism methylation movement lost their methyl group. This demethylation of genes make it easier for the protein, which means that more proteins involved in lipolysis are sports, Zierath said.

The team was surprised to see these effects occur so quickly. They believe that the calcium, the process in motion, muscle cells may be involved has been subjected to the same biopsy caffeine - also increased the calcium in the muscle - resulting in the same demethylation.

Unfortunately, you will get the same effect as long as an hour of physical exercise, caffeine intoxication from coffee, said by Zierath.
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