The human brain is very complex, and memories are stored in different parts of it in terms of focus, concentration, and for how long a person devoted to studying a piece of information. It takes about eight seconds on average in the concentration before a short-term memory is transferred to the long-term memory, and that can mean an event to be deleted from our files or lost human in a non-recovery.
Immediate recovery can be a difficult thing to achieve for many people, and contributing to an explanation as advanced age or some other physical means and no way to control or improve your memory. In fact, there are many great methods you can use to become better at remembering things, and all you need is the desire and willingness to do things on a daily basis to help you on your way.
Repetition is a great tool we can use to remember something better, like repeating aloud a shopping list and again in the car on the way to the store, or the name of a person you just met. This engrains the information in your mind and takes you beyond the eight-second mark in the memory is stored long term and to speed recovery.
Also, try to associate an event, name, or else that is trying to remember a funny story or significant event in their past. This can also help build the story with what you remember and you should be able to access it from the depths of your brain faster. For example, if you are trying to remember that your doctor's appointment is at 3:00 you can imagine the "Three Little Pigs" Sitting around waiting room reading magazines in the doctor or something ... A funny story, as it should be easy to associate with the event and also make it more fun to help improve your memory.
Practice focus and concentrate more on the case before us, and will also improve to remember things. Do not think about the future or other things when you are meeting a new person. Focus on what you are saying your name, and try to relate to them in ways that recall in the future. Do they look like someone you already know? Are they saying something that can be associated with another event to make it easier to remember?
There is also some great training available online in a format eBook or course, and I recommend finding something you can relate to and learn from. If you are serious about improving your memory over time, will have to set some goals and work hard to get on a daily basis. Make a couple of things differently every day can really help develop certain habits that will make you successful in increasing their memory skills. It takes about 21 days or so to engrain a habit in your psyche, where it becomes a normal part of everyday life.