Swim safely is important at any time, but was on vacation in a foreign country are no strict rules, the first is to always swim in pairs. A close friend in the water is more likely to distinguish between waving and drowning and can help avoid panic.
It is important to know where to swim, and when not swim and drown and do not seem too obvious a risk to list here, but is both the most common risk and worst of all water sports, and in many cases, alcohol is involved. Do not swim while intoxicated. Some authorities still maintain that swimming after eating is a risk of stomach cramps, although it is now a minority view.
When swimming: it is important to know where it is safe for swimming, and obviously insecure. Safety of swimmers find local advice before taking water. Deserted beaches are often abandoned for a reason, if the hangover of sharks, jellyfish invisible, or vicious. Beware of contaminated water, as it is almost impossible to avoid swallowing some. Never dive into water of unknown depth. The broken neck caused by the careless diving are much more dangerous for travelers crocodiles.
Fresh water pool is not recommended when the crocodiles and hippos are nearby. Lakes, ponds, reservoirs, dams, rivers and ditches can accommodate slow bilharzia (schistosomiasis). This is a generalized infection in Africa, the Middle East and parts of the Far East and South America, and is a real danger for swimmers.
Beware of strong currents of the sea and rivers, beware of rip tides and even a current of a node is usually enough to exhaust most swimmers quickly. Swimming directly against a strong current is particularly stressful and, if possible, it is best to swim across the current, and gradually make their way to the coast.
Snorkeling is a great way to see the bottom of the sea, provided that the appropriate mask is used, setting the nose. Glasses can cause bruising pressure water and eyes. A more serious risk is the practice of hyperventilation, which takes several deep breaths before diving in the hope of prolonging the dive. This can kill. Normally, the lungs than the body surface to the air when the carbon dioxide level is too high. Hyperventilation alters this mechanism, so the body can run out of oxygen before the lungs are sending danger signals. This can lead to failures underwater and drown.
Divers must ensure that local training and equipment is adequate and should always swim with a buddy. Do not fly within three hours of diving, or within 24 hours of any dive that required a decompression stop on the way back to the surface. Travellers planning diving trips are strongly advised to have adequate training before leaving.
Hopefully these tips will make sense to stop and think before plunging into the water in an exotic corner of the earth. Never forget the toilet water is still a creature.