When you are tempted to wallow in despair just because of all their problems and frustrations that can only choose to think differently. You can choose to be on the way to learn from their mistakes - how to see the positive side.
I've had my share of problems. I insulted my wife, and finally found the courage to leave. I spent weeks getting fired at work. I have gone bankrupt. I've had my house repossessed. I had aches and pains.
But I've never been happier.
I decided to learn from my mistakes.
If I buy a house again, is something that can easily afford where I have the money available to make payments for months in advance. Now I keep my credit card debt low. Now you owe less than $ 200. In the months prior to my bankruptcy, he owed thousands. I left a woman who could not be good for me, no matter what I did.
I'm so happy being single and not under the thumb of a woman who could not love like me. I know what I want in a woman now. I learned what kind of woman that makes me happy and what to avoid. I've learned that being single is what I really like to live and that marriage is probably not what I do.
Instead of waiting until the last minute to pay my bills and be always short of money, I can pay my bills well in advance. I rarely have a bill to be paid. As I get bills paid. This is a very relaxed way to meet the bills. If you have never had a lot of bills piled up waiting to be paid, you will never feel the tension in the form of payment. You have acquired the habit of paying as soon as they arrive always keep money available to pay. This is much easier than the budget and come up with elaborate bill payment plans.
Instead of buying or renting a very expensive place, I can rent a modest apartment that can easily afford and pay the rent for 2 months in advance or less. Do not wait until the last day of payment. You can avoid all the stress of their living arrangements if you get into this payment schedule. You always have a place to live.
These serious financial problems and staff who have been through have made me realize what's important in my life and learned to make the rest of my life better.